JROTC Program

JROTC Academic Overview

The JROTC curriculum guide lists and describes the four Leadership Education and Training (LET) core courses and elective course options approved by Army JROTC. Each course framework provides a scope and sequence outline that includes targeted competencies and time allocations deemed appropriate for student learning and assessment.


Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (JROTC) is the largest youth program, with an accredited curriculum, in high school. It serves as a character and leadership development program for our nation’s high school students. High school students enrolled in JROTC are “Cadets.” There are approximately 314,000 Cadets enrolled in JROTC in 1,731 high schools, led by 4,000 retired Army Instructors.


The program's focus is reflected in its mission statement, To Motivate Young People to be Better Citizens. "It is a purpose of the Junior Reserve Officer's Training Corps to instill in students in United States secondary educational institutions the values of citizenship, service to the United States, and personal responsibility and a sense of accomplishment." (USC Title 10) The program is a stimulus for promoting graduation from high school, and it provides instruction and rewarding opportunities that will benefit the student, community, and nation.


This program’s design focuses on the development of better citizens by building skills in leadership, personal growth and behaviors, citizenship, decision making, health and fitness, first aid, team building, service learning, and geography; all within a student-centered learning environment. The JROTC program is a cooperative effort between the Army and the host school.

Accreditation Information

The Army JROTC program is accredited by AdvancED, which was created through a merger of the Pre-K-12 divisions of the North Central Association Commission on Accreditation and School Improvement (NCA CASI); the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Council on Accreditation and School Improvement (SACS CASI); and the Northwest Accreditation Commission (NWAC). Having a program accredited by AdvancED means JROTC has demonstrated a commitment to student performance and continuous improvement in education. JROTC earned its accredited status by adhering to five quality standards:

Standard 1- Purpose and Direction

Standard 2- Governance and Leadership Standard 3- Teaching and Assessing for Learning4

Standard 4- Resources and Support Systems

Standard 5- Using Results for Continuous Improvement

Who We Are


Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/wpbearcatbattalion

US Army JROTC Website: https://www.usarmyjrotc.com/


JROTC is a program provided jointly by the York City Schools District and the United States Department of Defense. The U.S. Army Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (JROTC) is one of the largest character development and citizenship programs for youth in the world. Army JROTC is designed to teach high school students the value of citizenship, leadership, service to the community, personal responsibility, and a sense of accomplishment, while instilling in them self-esteem, teamwork, and self-discipline.

William Penn Senior High School Purpose Statement, “ We are committed to providing strong instruction, deep engagement and high expectations to create life-long learners. “It is time to get your learn on!”

The WPSHS Army JROTC program further emphasizes these concepts by blending two strategic methodologies and principles that are the touchstones, ethos and values of our organization.

1.  LDRSHIP – Which is an acronym for the seven basic values of the United States Army.

  1. Loyalty - bear true faith and allegiance to the U.S. Constitution, the Army, your unit and other soldiers.

  2. Duty - Fulfill your obligations.

  3. Respect - Treat people as they should be treated.

  4. Selfless Service - Put the welfare of the nation, the Army, and your subordinates before your own.

  5. Honor - Live up to all the Army values and a higher standard of moral and ethical values, discipline and order.

  6. Integrity - Do what’s right, legally and morally.

  7. Personal Courage - Face fear, danger or adversity (physical, mental, emotional, ethical, moral).

OODA loop or Observe–Orient–Decide–Act loop

The Army JROTC Program at WPSHS presents a curriculum designed to help each student achieve the following goals:  (1) Develop habits of discipline, orderliness, precision, and respect for themselves and authority in our society. (2) Instill self-worth, selfless service, and patriotism. (3) Develop a high degree of personal honor, self-reliance, individual discipline, and leadership. (4) Instill pride, self-respect, confidence, and a desire to do one's best in any endeavor, and (5) Promote a basic understanding of national security requirements and the role of the armed service in the national defense structure.  After completion of JROTC I, the student may continue in the Advanced JROTC on a space-available basis.  Two semesters of JROTC will satisfy the "Lifetime Wellness" graduation requirement.

The senior Army instructor (SAI) Lieutenant Colonel John W. Howard II is retired from the United States Army. He and the Army instructor (AI), the position is currently vacant. teach Army Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) in the York City School District at William Penn Senior High School.

The JROTC program consists of four levels, or LETs, i.e., (LET 1 through LET 4). LET stands for Leadership, Education Training, and is basically the foundation of the JROTC curriculum.


Lieutenant Colonel (Ret.) John W. Howard II, US Army, BSEd, MAPM, Ed.D.

Manager / Senior Director of Army JROTC Instruction (SAI)
(717) 849-1218 ext.: 1380


Short Bio on LTC(R) Howard

Army Instructor – (Currently Vacant)

Coordinator / Chief of Plans, Operations and Training