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About smith steam academy pre-k-8

Edgar Fahs Smith STEAM Academy focuses on project-based learning and stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Math. While those content areas will be emphasized, it's really the approach to education that makes Smith STEAM Academy different from traditional classroom learning. At the Edgar Fahs Smith STEAM Academy, the structure of the school day will allow students to learn critical content in the subjects of math, science, ELA, and social studies, and apply that knowledge in meaningful and artistic ways through project-based learning. Students will be encouraged to use their imagination, collaborate with their peers to build structures, communicate their ideas, embrace failures, and persevere to solve real-world problems. We will continue our partnership with Penn State York, and continue to grow relationships with local community businesses, churches, and other organizations. 

bearcat Spotlight

Project-Based Learning (PBL) Spotlight: Native Bee Community Science Project - To read more, please see STEAM's News section located above.
May 2024
Congratulations to Smith STEAM Academy 6th grader, Michael Fleming on winning State Representative Carol Hill-Evans 6th Annual Essay Contest! Way to go Michael!
May 2024
Congratulations to the following STEAM Academy students who had Perfect Attendance for the 2023-2024 school year!
May 2024
Congratulations to the following STEAM Academy students who had Perfect Attendance for the 2023-2024 school year!
May 2024
Congratulations to the following STEAM Academy students who had Perfect Attendance for the 2023-2024 school year!
May 2024
Congratulations to our 2024 STEAM Cup Champion Classroom: Mrs. Goodyear's 4th grade class!
May 2024
National School Social Worker Spotlight! Ms. Japriya Carroll - Bearcat Cyber Academy & Smith STEAM Academy Pre-K-8
March 2024
National Principal Month Spotlight: Principal Myers - To read more, please visit STEAM's News Section located above.
October 2023